Tuesday, June 9, 2015

"True Character Comes Out In An Emergency Situation"

Grandma Geezer had her character tested, when she came face to face with a real life scenario in the form of a blinding blizzard on her way back from a two day speaking engagement. 

Was I going to use the time to call friends and complain angrily about my situation, or sit quietly in the traffic jam and catch up on correspondence?

I was on Interstate 80 between Rawlings and Laramie, Wyoming heading east to Interstate 25
We all were traveling slow (40 mph) because of the snow and ice on the road. All of a sudden three cars go past us at well over 70 mph. Not more than twenty minutes later I am at a complete stop with miles of semi's and cars gridlocked ahead and behind me. No cars on westbound lanes.

Hmmmm...it became apparent after sitting in my car and watching highway patrol cars, tow trucks and snow removal equipment going east on the west bound lanes, that something was amiss. Could it be those cars that were speeding caused an accident? Or are they stuck in this traffic jam? I choose the latter thought because of two reasons.

It's a much funnier scenario because I can just imagine them fuming away in their cars at a standstill and they are safe, as well as all the rest of us from their careless driving. If I choose the former thought I will fall into the judging mode which will only fuel my anger to unbelievable levels. Name calling, rants about why were they so stupid to not drive according to the conditions, how many lives they put at risk because of their choices, how none of us will get to our destinations on time and the list goes on.

I was at peace in my car looking at how beautiful the snow appeared. 
Everyone around me was safe in their vehicles. So I prayed that everyone had snacks, water and enough fuel for the hours it took to unravel the messy situation. I also made plans for the evening when this was over - I would stay in Laramie and hope there was a bed somewhere or I'd be stuck at a local truck stop for the evening. Have you ever noticed at times like this how bad you need a bathroom? LOL!

After what seemed hours the traffic moved but we were only allowed off at the Laramie exit. Oh well, I would sleep in and leave around 10:30 am the next morning. I ended up waking with a startle at 7:30 am and decided to leave. The fog was thick and I ended up following a truck with yellow flashing lights. You literally could see five feet ahead of you so the flashing lights were a blessing. I turned mine on as well.

Here we were chugging along at a healthy 35 mph on a wet slick road not knowing what was ahead of us 
–while in the left lane people were passing us at twice that speed. REALLY FOLKS, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! I reach the state line and things clear up considerably but it is snowing hard. I turn on the radio to hear of another accident on the same road right behind me. More semi-trucks and cars all bungled up together. I shake my head and pray that no one is badly hurt.

Choose carefully how you will respond in a crisis. 
Grandma Geezer knows as a psychologist that anger only fuels stress which is a killer to your immune system. Trust me on this!

I reached home very tired and ready to hit the bed! I stayed there for two days and relaxed, ate my favorite foods and zoned out on recorded television. Bliss! 

Yours Truly Through Sun or Storms,

Grandma Geezer Ph.D.

Friday, February 6, 2015


By Sandra Miskie 
aka: "Grandma Geezer" Ph.d

My youngest son called me the other day...
...And said he needed to apologize. 

For the life of me I couldn't think of what he had done that would require such a phone call. He was the child that took the most energy and kept me hopping. Probably why I stayed more physically active until he got married. 

Every day was questionable.  A call from the school or college, a drive to the emergency room or doctor, a visit from the police to bring him home at four years of age when he ran away, a visit to the fire department -  and I could go on.

But!  One day really stands out. 
The day the principal from his private school called and had to talk to me immediately. 
He was not one for following rules especially the ones from the Christian school he was attending. 

All the boys had to wear belts and tuck in their shirts. He did not like to wear belts nor did he tuck in his shirt and I was about ready to find out why. Of course this call came on a day I had just been stabbed by a student who had not been given his ADHD meds.

Principal: "Dr. Miskie I hate to call you but your son will have to be suspended because this is the third time he was caught not wearing a belt. Can we meet after school?"

Me: "I understand your rules are why I put him there and I want him to follow them. However, meeting after school is not possible because I have just been stabbed in the leg by a student and I am on my way to the emergency room. (There was blood pooling on the floor as we talked.) Can we do this in the morning because this is important." 

Principal: Oh, no! I am so sorry. Never mind we can keep him in school.

Me: I will see you tomorrow morning. 

Needless to say, the stabbing incident put everything into a different perspective 
and the principal wanted to drop the whole thing...but I wouldn't let him. My son needed discipline and he needed to follow instructions. He would never hold a job or make anything of himself without it.

The hours I put into this child were well worth it. 

Back to why my son called me. 
"Mom! Please forgive me for not appreciating all the things you did for me!" 
I started to cry. 
What brought this all about I asked? He said,"Remember my car wreck yesterday? Well today I am not feeling well and the boys are wanting me to pick up their friends after I worked all day and take them to youth group in this blizzard! They can't understand why I said no and told them if they want to come, they can walk over to the house." 

I could tell he had lost it. I couldn't help but roar with laughter and said, "Welcome to real parenting!" 

He went on to reiterate all the times I put up with his friends in the house and occasionally lost my temper. Now he understood compleeeeeeetely!

I have to tell you - it felt good to hear his understanding.

Again I repeat... 
Nothing is more rewarding than seeing my son do well in his career and I really have forgotten all the hurt. I love watching him be with his children and work on being a good husband. I especially love the humor he continues to bring to the family...we still never know what will happen with his antics. 

Put in the work of parenting because it pays off.

Smiling Ear to Ear,
Grandma Geezer Ph.d